Cloud Accounting

Crissys CLLOUD

Cloud Accounting: Saga, Ciel, WinMentor

Work with accounting applications - Saga, Ciel, WinMentor or others?

We offer you the opportunity to work in the Cloud for accounting, expertise and audit applications.
1. In the Cloud you can work from multiple client stations simultaneously, without the need for more Saga licenses,
2. You can work from anywhere in the world, at any time, the availability of the service is 100%, working speed is maximum even at a low speed internet connection (eg 2MB),
3. Centralize all documents in one place, so that all users can access them quickly and efficiently from any location,
4. Access to documents can be restricted individually, by the user or by groups, in read-only, write-read or prohibited access modes, and the applications (including Saga) can be accessed individually by collaborators, so that they cannot see your companies from the list,
5. Data security - no matter if your device is faulty / viruses / encrypted, all data is on the Cloud and you don't lose anything, because data is saved daily, automatically, professionally,
6. Configuration / installation - no more headaches, everything we do,
7. Update and maintenance, performed by our specialists.
All you need is to purchase a single Saga license, a computer and an internet connection.
PRICE with all taxes includes: 90 € / month, based on a monthly subscription, with a contract.